Thursday 11 October 2012

Career Fair! For the first time, it's not about the swag!

Classes were cancelled today due to the career fair conflicting with the time. Either way, I had to be at school early to work on 502. I think we pretty much have a good idea where to proceed with the project! We decided to make a website to put our lesson plans! Also, we have an interesting idea for our presentation (in a couple week's time! Semester is almost over!)

After my meeting, I travelled towards the dining center for the career fair. There was a throng of people waiting when I arrived (about 15 minutes before the fair started). The fair was pretty much broken down into two parts: a 25 min info session of some sort of school board and a general area to see all the sponsors/boards/etc. I somehow managed to "push" myself to the front of the line for the CBE info session (I was in the right spot at the right time!) They could only fit 125ish students for each of the info sessions.

The info session was informative. I was able to see some statistics of teachers hired and what are in high demand at the moment (High School Physics; I better brush up on my physics!). Right after the CBE session was the Rocky Mountain session. I wanted to just sit there instead of lining up all over again, but I guess it wouldn't be fair to the others who were waiting in line.

I went to explore the other part of the career fair. There are actually quite a variety of jobs I can get with a BEd, such as being an educator for a corporate company, planning field ecological field trips, day care, etc. Of course, I want to be a teacher, but I can always keep my eyes open. Speaking of open eyes... there's always teaching English abroad... which does sound tempting!

For the first time, I was at a career fair to look for a job. Over the past 5 years, I would normally go to career fairs to grab free stuff. =P I did pick up a couple pens and highlighters, but that was pretty much it for free stuff at the education career fair.

Overall, the career fair expanded what I thought I could do with a BEd. It's time to step up my game and hope for a position!

Today's picture shows off the brochures I collected during the hour I spent at the career fair. Now time to find some time to read them and see when to apply!

Oh and did I mention that I've been placed at FFCA teaching Biol 30 and Chem 20? (I think there's others, but I'm not quite sure yet...). Another far drive, but I'm looking forward to seeing what a charter school is like!

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