Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Belated Hallowe'en (Happy All Saint's Day!)

Wow, I didn't expect to take that much time cutting out my project for 506... At least the major cutting is done! Just to add some pictures and my text and I should be good for 13 hours from now!

My first class was cancelled today so I had time to work on the written portion of the 506 assignment. I managed to make some more edits this morning and get through half of the reading for 503.

Before 505, I went out to grab some food from the food trucks that were visiting UofC today. I forgot the name of the truck my friend and I were at, but I remembered that there was a gas fuelled heater to keep people warm as we all huddled around it. I don't remember the name of what I got, but for $10, it wasn't really worth it. =/ (I hope they used prime beef to make these things...)

As for class today
505: Life on residential schools for some aboriginal people and what they had to go through. =(
501: LGBTQQ discussion

Back to work I go! =P I'm planning to reintroduce a weekly segment starting after November 9th! In other words, after I'm done my course work at the university.

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