Thursday 4 October 2012


I'm so stoked that Gintama is back! Even though they were only gone for 6 months (compared to a year for the fifth season), I was sure feeling deprived from not being able to watch my favorite anime! What makes Gintama so special? There aren't a lot of animes that can put humor and tragedy in one episode!

I won't spoil the premiere episode for season 6, but I have to say that it was a funny/touching episode! The only problem I had with it was... that it was part of an arc! I'll now have to wait a week to see the next episode =P Oh well!

Exit card time...

506 - Formative assessment should not be about marks, but rather to inform the student where they're currently at in terms of their learning,

For today's picture

Sakata Gintoki, the main character of Gintama. He's definately ready for season 6!!

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