Wednesday 17 October 2012

My first PD Workshop for this semester!

I had a long day at school today, around 12 hours in total! I got there at around 8 AM and left at around 8 PM. =P

Before class, I actually managed to get quite a bit of stuff done. I started off in the atrium, but it was too dark for my tastes. I then travelled to Taylor Digital Library and worked there. For the first time in my university career, I used one of the dual screen computers on the main floor. It was cool having two screens, but yes, I still had a lot of clutter on both screens since I had so much room! Weirdly, I enjoyed moving my head as I gather information from one screen and wrote it down on the other (one screen was in front of me, while the other one was positioned almost at a 135 degree angle from the first). It felt like a great neck exercise!

502: It was pretty much a work period, which was nice. Our group got together and talked a bit about where we're going. So far so good! Everything is working out extremely well! We also got our papers back that we handed in a couple weeks ago. I got what I gave myself on the self-evaluation, which was an A-. Pretty stoked since I was rambling about interdisciplinarity... I realized more of what it was a couple days after writing my paper... =P

505: Lots of storytelling today! There was very interesting legends that I heard! Four types: entertainment, instructional(?), moral and spiritual/sacred. We got back our tests today and I was extremely surprised I did quite well! 1% short of an A-. =P I was seriously expecting a C on that test since I was so strapped for time. =(

501: Guest speaker today (one of the 502 seminar leaders) since our main prof was doing a conference in Sicily. We watched Gangnam style in class and talked about why it's so viral (the need to be imperfect)

After an hour break, I had a PD workshop on Teacher Professional Growth Plans (TPGP). It was a very useful PD since I learnt about policies behind TPGP and the different types of contracts that we can potentially get once we graduate. The presenter also informed us of the process of applying for a job. It's not just simply applying, but rather a whole lot of things to do, such as applying for a salary estimate, learning how to start subbing RIGHT after April, etc.

A very productive day today! Everything seemed to be going well... until I was driving home. I swear I saw a couple flashes on 32nd Ave (somewhere between 26th and 36th street). I didn't see any red light cameras though... not that I recall speeding or doing anything illegal... Oh well, I guess I'll find out in a couple week's time if I was indeed caught doing something wrong =/. Cross my fingers though!

And then when I got home, I realized that there was gum stuck onto the front of my jacket! Good thing it didn't get on my pants, but it was on the bottom of my jacket, which then transferred a bit of itself onto my seatbelt... Gotta clean that up tomorrow when I come home from school! Or maybe if I'm lucky enough, it'll be cold enough and the gum would freeze, thus making it easier to scrap off tomorrow... (highly doubt it) =(

For today's picture, here are the booklets/forms I got from the workshop:

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