Sunday 7 October 2012

Weekend Recap

After blogging on a daily basis, it feels weird not to (despite blogging once a week in the summer).


507: Inspiring Education steering report. It's pretty much what we have been learning in my other courses.

504: The different models for picking up an additional language. Apparently, the best way is to immerse yourself in a language by listening and speaking.

After I finished class, I went down to kines to help out with CSS's meet and greet. I was the photographer for the day and I had to say that I was pretty nervous. That was the first time I took pictures of a group of people. Despite my nerves, it was extremely fun! At first, I took pictures from afar, but after a while I started to move in. I was scared that most people didn't want to be photographed, but that wasn't the case! Most people didn't mind me taking pictures and I was glad that people didn't reject me when I asked them to take close up pictures of them! =)

I'm still in the process of editing those pictures. There's a lot of yellow lighting in the room, so I will have to change that. Also, I realized that my shutter speed was too slow since I didn't want a lot of picture noise. There's a lot of blurry, out of focus images unfortunately. =( At least I learnt a lesson from this activity!


I got a lesson plan completed for one of my many group projects =P. It took a lot lot longer than I expected since I wasn't quite sure of the format. After figuring out what I wanted to do, I wrote it down following the UBD format. I hope it goes alright! I guess I can still flush out the actual lesson itself more once I think about it in greater detail.

In the evening, I went to Studio 16 to go watch Looper. Apparently, Studio 16 is the only theatre that offers a student deal (admission, regular pop and popcorn) for just a bit over $15. It was a pretty sweet deal in my books!

The movie itself was well made. A sci-fi thriller that had an intriguing plot! I won't ruin the moving by describing the plot, but I recommend that you should go watch it!


Karate was pretty much the same as any other day, besides the fact that I allowed the green belts to free spar. My rationale behind the change in curriculum was because I wanted my students to have an easier time transitioning to the brown/black belt class. I was a bit apprehensive today since it was the first time I let my students spar. I didn't want any injuries from such a high-risk activity, and this activity is the highest in karate (in my humble opinion). Luckily, I only had one small incident, where a student of mine was hit in the eye. Fortunately it didn't look like he'll develop a black eye!

After karate, I went to a friend's house to play some games. We went through the board games that we usually play (Bang and Werewolves/The Village). Werewolves goes by quite quickly when you have a smaller group of people!

And now I am at home... slaving away at this list of assignments/group projects/readings and other chores that I need to have completed. Oh well, at least it keeps me busy...

AND I FORGOT TO MENTION, but I picked up my copy of Black 2!!! So excited!

(I'm just a big kid at heart!)

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