Wednesday 10 October 2012

Well well well...

502 and 501 were cancelled today due to Thanksgiving Monday. How does that work you ask? Well both 502 and 501 have Monday lectures/seminars, but since there was a statutory holiday on that day, those classes were cancelled. To make it fair to us, they cancelled our classes as well.

Fair enough.

That gave me more time to study for 505... not that it really mattered...

The test was brutally hard. I was going in, expecting to answer questions on general themes on First Nation education. Lo and behold, it was more of a retrieval test for the 15 m/c questions. To make matter worse, there were 5 written questions that took about 3 pages to write. All that in one hour (I spent about 8 minutes on the m/c questions). I spent about 50 minutes on the written section, but I was unable to finish one question fully... =(

And this test is worth 50% of my mark...

I guess nothing I can really do about it since it's over. =( The good thing is that I know what to expect for the final! GRRRRRRR

Enough with my rant!

So I went home early today and did some work, along with a lot of relaxing today... which I guess isn't that great of a thing, but I need a break! Back to work tomorrow morning!

For today's picture:

My shaking hands seem to get worse and worse as the days go by. =(
My laptop case finally came in! I didn't imagine that it'll be the bulky or add that much weight to my laptop! =/

I initially bought it to protect my Pikachu decal since it was peeling off... I guess I'll just leave the top on for now! (The case gives a nice glean!)

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