Friday 26 October 2012

Shepherd's Pie at Jamesons (Brentwood) and Spicy burrito

EDIT: Grammar should be fixed now! =P

It was quite busy tonight due to the football game between the stamps and the lions.

Anyways, the shepherd's pie consisted of a mash potato top (I believe) with, what tasted like ground beef. For $17 after tax and tips, it was not really fulfilling. The food tasted alright, but I was definitely not full from that.

So what do you do when you still feel hungry? You go out and eat more! We went to Mucho Burrito by Studio 16 and got some food there. It was my first time there, so I went and got myself a "Hotter than Hell" Ghost Pepper Burrito.

It was definitely an experience I'm not going to forget for a while. A burrito loaded with jalapeƱos, hot salsa and what looked to be like 2 teaspoons of ghost pepper sauce.

I went through half a litre of chocolate milk and a bottle of water to eat that burrito.

It was spicy. It burned my throat. It made my body, from the chest down, numb. It made me cry. It made my nose run. And pretty much whatever else you can come up with (include shaky lips). My stomach is still burning, but it was for sure an interesting experience. For about $14 for the burrito, drinks and nachos, it was an expensive, but one of a kind meal.

Picture of my Shepherd's pie. I should have taken a picture of the burrito as well...

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