Tuesday 16 October 2012

FOR THE GREATER GOOD... well most of the time.

Once again, I started my Tuesday morning with a group meeting. We quickly checked to see that our paper for 503 was formatted correctly, and then we submitted it via blackboard. Once that was out of the way, I had 506.

506: The fun one can acquire via work stations! Though I have to say that the work stations make my inquiry idea for my unit plan look like bullcrap... =( It's amazing how they took 7 stations to cover the ENTIRE grade 9 ecosystem unit!

503: The different schools of ethics. We did a quick ethics questionare that tells you which school of thought you belonged too. Apparently I'm a moderate utilitarian, which means that I believe for the greater good. Very interesting, since I guess I kind of do, but at other times I feel like I'm the other type (starts with d... I believe...) in that I feel like it's my duty!

After class, I went home to pick up my brother so we can go grab our flu shots. It wasn't too busy at the clinics, so we got our flu shots quite quickly. My arm is sore from the shot, but at least I'm not having an allergic reaction!

Today's picture
My current display picture when I use my LCD monitor at home.

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