Sunday 21 October 2012

Injured Once Again!

I just realized that I never related my post to my title yesterday... I forgot to mention how cold yesterday felt, even though it didn't dip below zero. (Or so I believe). I'll make sure that my blog post today relates to my title! And that shouldn't be a problem at all =P

In karate today, I managed to injure myself when we were doing sai training. I think I got kind of lazy with my swings, that I ended up ramming the butt end of my left sai to the base of my right pinky nail. It was definitely hard not to curse out loud as I hopped on the spot, and even harder not to drop my sais (that weigh about 5 pounds each). I noticed that the base of my pinky was bleeding profusely (maybe too strong of a word, but I feel so proud that it exists in my vocabulary!) and thus I placed my sais down and rushed to the bathroom while I shake my hand to dull the pain...

It was painful rinsing the cut, more painful than normal. Once I got a close look at the damage, I noticed that I managed to skin a good chunk of skin (sounds a bit weird) and damage my cuticle. It doesn't look deep, but boy, it sure burns/stings...

Also, I was supposed to help my dad swap on winter tires on our vehicles, but with my pain-ridden right hand, I wasn't able too....

So when I got home, I just worked on my unit plan for 506. There's so much to write for it! I have about 10 pages so far, but that's only about.... 1/4 of what I need to write for the unit I believe? I hope that the other sections aren't too long... I'm getting extremely frustrated by this assignment!! (Though I do find that this exercise is useful, even though it is currently very tedious to complete).

For today's picture, I was complementing on showing the extent of my injury, but I thought of those who don't do gore, so I'll just post a picture of my hand! Don't worry, I have a bandage on top of the cut.

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