Tuesday 30 October 2012

Ethical Reasoning

I woke up at 6:30 this morning due to the loud jarring sound of my alarm clock beside me, but I immediately turned off my alarm and fell back into a deep slumber.

Two hours after, I woke up again, though this time I felt fully rested. After a quick breakfast, I took time to get ready for school. Lo and behold, by the time I finished getting ready... it was already 10:25! (I needed to be at school by 11...)

I got to my 503 meeting 10 minutes late... >_> Good thing it wasn't an interview!

Onto what I learnt for the day

506: Videotaping yourself teach. There are things that I may realize that I'm doing when I shouldn't or maybe even things that I'm doing well that I'm not fully aware of!

503: More ethics... There was a tough situation today where we discuss what you would do if a terminally ill child is dying in your class and s/he has a DNR order (Do not resuscitate). I was really confused on what I would do in this situation. I want to save the child, but the parents and doctor believes that its better if the child is not saved.

Of course, it's ideal if the terminally ill child is home schooled, but in this scenario, that wasn't possible. This particular child is in your classroom and that particular teacher had to deal with the situation. I was so stumped and undecided to listen in on what happened with the real situation... =(

As for today's picture of the day

I was re-watching a Gintama arc yesterday during my lunch break. Such a touching scene during the Four Deva's arc! =;) (teary smile face)

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