Tuesday 9 October 2012

Driving under a different perspective

Started my day off with a 503 group meeting. We pretty much consolidated what needed to be done for our paper due next week. My group mates did a fantastic job of taking the argument of Section 11.1 of the Human Rights Act to a level that I would never be able to do on my own. For the whole meeting, I pretty much sat there in awe, trying to absorb it all. Fortunately for me, I have a couple of days still to analyse well enough to contribute something meaningful!!

506: Arguments in science classroom. Pretty much it reminded me of law class: you got to have evidence to support your claims!

503: I was a bit late for class so I sat at the very back. It gave me an interesting perspective of the classroom for I usually sit in the front. We discussed mostly of ethics today. When I entered class, the prof was asking if there was ever such thing as universal ethics. For me personally, I didn't believe in universal ethics for I believe that it differs from time to time and cultures have their own interpretation of what is right or wrong. After a discussion, we watched the Stanford Prison Experiment (which I seen in Social Psyc or Intro Psyc). The interpretation I got from watching the  clip for a second time was that good people can do acts of evil.

To ensure that we leave class with a happier mood, the professor showed us a couple of videoclips of goodwill acts that took place during WW2. Certain people sacrificed their own happiness/careers/safety to ensure that mass amounts of people were not murdered. As a finishing thought, the prof said "Good can become evil, but so to can evil become good".

Now onto the title of my blog post. I foolishly left my sunglasses in my dad's car and lo and behold... it was sunset when I was leaving school. Luckily, I was travelling east, so direct sunset-sun wasn't really affecting my driving. I had to say though, that it was my first time driving without shades since 2nd year uni. It was definitely a different ride home, since everything had a reddish tint to it.

My sunglasses that I'm currently using! I like the design, but unfortunately they're not the best fit for my face since I don't have a prominent nose bridge =(

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