Thursday 18 October 2012

Woot Woot!!

Hell week is fast approaching, but fortunately professors seem to understand the stress we're going through, thus trying to make things easier for us (ie: rethinking assignments so that we don't have to hand in multiple double-digit papers and presentations! I understand that it's important to persevere through tough and stressful times, but I'm glad that they helped lighten our load! I was starting to get slightly senile from all these projects/assignments/tests... =P

506 today: Discussed our second assignment more, which is great since I have a better direction for my unit plan now! I never expected a unit plan to be so difficult to construct! I've been chugging away at it for some time now, but it's no where near completion =(. It does frustrate me, but like I said, it will probably get easier in due time.

After class, I went to bestbuy to purchase myself a new keyboard. The reason why I need a new keyboard is because I need a quieter keyboard for the night. My old one is not bad, but gets kinda clunky when I type fast.

Also, I wanted a keyboard that is 100% compatible with my macbook, so what fits that description?

It's so slick and matches well with my laptop! Ah, Apple is crushing my soul... but it doesn't feel bad at all! Sure, they're expensive, but you can't deny that they look nice! =P

(Wow, blurry hand syndrome... don't zoom)

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