Sunday 21 October 2012

Snowy and Cold

It's been two weeks since I last volunteered at the PLC. I've been busy with projects and such, so I took the last two weeks off. Since my piano is blocked by a lot of stuff at the moment, I haven't been able to touch my keyboard for the past two weeks! It felt weird to touch the piano again, but it was almost welcoming in a sense.

Once volunteering was done, I went home and tried to study a bit, but to no avail. Therefore, I went out and hung out with a friend for a while. (I promise to study my butt off later today! It's already Sunday...)

After hanging out with my friend, I went home and got ready for dinner with my 503 group! We ate at Forbidden City at T&T. I got the chance to try out a new egg plant dish, which turned out to be pretty good! I also had the chance to have a friendly nonschool discussion with my group mates (which we never really had while we were working on our paper). It was a very enjoyable affair! =)

Once I got home, I got out my camera and took a photo to submit for this week's photo challenge: sweets. I always wanted to do water splash photography (or whatever its called) and so I did for today! It took me abou 40 minutes to set up, take a bunch of pics and to clean up. It then took about an additional 10 minutes to photoshop it and upload it onto flickr. Here's a picture of what my set up looked like:

And here was the results... top part was cut off due to my poor positioning =( And wet background...

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