Thursday 1 November 2012

I just realized...

how difficult it is to type on my mac keyboard with "long" fingernails. And when I say long, I mean just slightly seeable if you were to look at the back of your hands. No more than about two millimeters in other words!

Since it was difficult to type, I went to trim my nails a couple minutes ago. Now I can type my blog with my normally natural curved finger technique (I think I developed this from piano... unless most people type with curved fingers?)

I woke up early morning to finish my 506 presentation jigsaw. I thought I could finish everything in a couple of hours, but unfortunately I was not able to. I left my house at 10:30, which is about 15-30 minutes later than what I usually leave since it takes about 40 minutes for me to get to school, park and walk to class. Also, I forgot to mention that my brother starts school at 11 on Thursdays...

After parking my car, I walked to my classroom as quickly as I could to get working on my jigsaw. I completed my project with about 40 minutes to spare. I wasn't in the mood to think up of a speech so I just sat there thinking about what else I had to do on the weekend.

I ended up regretting not making up some sort of speech for my presentation. I was quite nervous walking up towards the front of the class. I recall bumping into chairs and tables. =( And my impromptu speech was a bit of a gong show. Looking back, there are some stuff I forgot to mention. However, I spoke truly about what I felt and it seemed like it went alright! =)

I have to mention that I didn't expect presentations to be so interesting. We went through 18 people today I believe? And not once was I bored! Everybody had an interesting and creative way to present their topic! There were wordles, a poem, a ad-like-speech based on "I am Canadian", philosophical outlook, Mz Frizzle, epic education journey, demonstrations and so many more!

After 506, I had my first 508 meeting. It was the same like the previous initial practicum meetings. We went over the course outline and what the assignments could possibly look like. Nothing too exciting!

And that's all for today! No picture again... =(

I need to go take some interesting shots from now on with my iPhone!

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