Wednesday 28 November 2012

Mr. Many Mistakes Maruyama --> Week 3 Wednesday

I'm not sure why, but I'm making quite a bit of mistakes over the past two days... For example today, I used the wrong gametes for my test cross. I knew it was H_ and hh but I went two heterozygous (Hh) organisms for some reason. Then in Chemistry, I mistakenly said that hydrogen phosphate ion had a charge of minus 1, when I KNEW it had a charge of minus 2 (since H3PO4 is happy, HPO4 must have a charge of -2!) I didn't correct myself until a student pointed it out! Ahhh, I guess I am human after all =/

Man I'm so sleepy. I'm heading off to bed. I think I may be biting more than I can chew... I'm not sure how I can play these fast pieces for the musical at tempo in about a week and a half...

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