Tuesday 20 November 2012

Week 2 Day 2

Class periods were shorter today due to an evacuation drill. Fortunately, we were on track in biology, so it wasn't an issue for the two of us to finish talking about translation and mutations. We had the chance to go through a translation activity, which I hoped, helped the students grasp the concept. Looking back, I wished I took a bit more time to think the activity through... I forgot to ask a couple volunteers to act as ribosomes, so I'm not sure if they got the idea of the "three" different sites.

The evacuation drill itself was relatively straight forward. We walked towards an elementary school during the drill. It was quite cold out and I didn't wear my warm jacket, so it was quite cold walking to and from the elementary school. During the walk, there were some students that were quite rowdy, including one that kept stepping on my heels and even had the nerve to push me off the sidewalk without apologizing... I should have disciplined him, but I guess I wasn't quite sure how I would discipline him since I'm not an official teacher.

Chemistry was quite straight forward today. The students went over a acids and base lab where they got to go through five different stations and test out the properties of different chemicals. It was an interesting lab and it seems like some of the students are able to make connections between the course material and the lab.

After bus supervision, we had a lengthy, but eye opening chat with our partner teacher. We learnt more about the aspects of what being a teacher is and about the difficulty that we will eventually have to go through. I have heard similar stories in my last practicum, but nevertheless, it has strengthen my resolve in becoming a teacher and being able to change, if just only one, the life(ves) of (a) student(s).

Once again, no picture... I'm getting lazy...

And it was my brother's birthday today, so I guess I could have taken a picture of the cake. =P Oh well

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