Saturday 10 November 2012

I wish online maps would tell you about construction zones!

I went to volunteering today, after what seems to be a month. I've been busy with assignments or minor illness that prevented me from volunteering. As I walked down the stairs and saw the construction going on, I remembered that the volunteer office was moved to another location. Luckily for me, when I went back up the stairs, I saw the volunteer coordinator assistant (I believe that's his position). Otherwise, volunteering that day was like any other volunteering day.

After I got home, I got a bit of work done and spent some time relaxing. Around mid afternoon, I went to see how I would travel to my practicum school. I took 16th ave down, since that path was the recommended path on Google and Apple maps. Unfortunately, they never took into consideration of the construction zone on Bowness Road and 16th. I guess it's also my fault for not checking ahead of time since I assumed that those online maps take into consideration major construction zones. (Must be fine print somewhere that I didn't read). Anyways, after circling around a bit, I managed to find a path.

Once I found the location of the school, I wasn't able to find the school itself. There were two schools in that location, but none of them had "FFCA" on them in big letters. The junior high school though, Montgomery, was located at the exact spot that FFCA should have been, so I googled the junior high and found out that they closed down a while ago. Getting out of my car, I went to the front door and lo and behold, saw a small green sign that said "FFCA High School Campus".

What do you know? Montgomery was the new place for FFCA.

Going home was a pain in the butt, since I didn't expect so much traffic during an early Saturday evening. I guess people are already shopping for Christmas gifts. Near my house, there was a problem at the C-train station, so I had to wait about 10 minutes to turn onto the main road that leads to my house (which normally takes about a minute or so).

Despite the somewhat difficult journey, I can't wait for practicum to start! =)

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