Saturday 3 November 2012

My goodness...

There is just so much info for 505! I spent a good couple of hours going through most of the chapters. I don't know if I recall most of the info though... but it seems like the main idea was to express how First Nations people view the world as being interconnected. As for the details.... gah I don't know if I can remember them in time!

Now moving on to the first part of my day: today marked my first volunteering appreciation brunch! I've been volunteering at the PLC for the past 5 years but I never have been to their appreciation event. I've always gone to volunteer instead!

Big mistake!

The brunch had quite the buffet. I went and got myself two helpings of food. =P

That was probably the only positive aspect of my day. Unfortunately I am unable to claim that the rest of my day went well. LoL and SC... first time I lost every single game in a day. I'm just unable to fetch myself a win! =(

And those readings...

My picture for this week's theme:waterfalls. I was unable to find time to visit the waterfall in the NW section of the city. =(

Man, my format is messed =/ Lol oh and don't forget to roll back your clocks an hour for those who observe daylight savings time!

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