Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Mad Hatter is a Girl?!? Week Three Tuesday

I was going over my sheet music for the musical and I noticed that I don't know what the plot is for the musical! I did a quick wiki search and found out that this musical is a modern day Alice in Wonderland story. It seems like Alice has grew up and has a daughter. She, along with her daughter, moved so Alice could have some space between her and her husband. Things aren't looking good for Alice, for she sent a manuscript for a children's storybook (I believe), but it got rejected. After taking a nap, she was magically transported to Wonderland! And thats all i Remember about the plot! What surprised me though, that the Mad Hatter in the musical is a girl! She wants to become the queen of Wonderland! I always saw the Mad Hatter as a male character, so I cannot imagine how she'll be portrayed. Also, I was recently talking to a student who is taking the role of the Mad Hatter... and that student was male... I'm not sure if I'm being trolled or not, but I'll have to wait and see!

Today, I got the chance to teach a bit of biol 30 and chem 20. I'm starting to get a groove again, which is a good sign, though awfully late... (I was in the grove after my first week at Valley Creek). My guess is that not learning the students' names as quickly made me feel like I was teaching to an audience instead of a classroom. There isn't that teacher-student relationship established when I haven't got all of their names down (I'm still not able to get three students names! But I guess that's not bad since I got about 60 names down pat).

My field advisor is coming tomorrow to observe me teach! First visit, so I better make a good impression!

EDIT: Picture of the musical's promotional posters... I think that's what they're called.

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