Thursday 29 November 2012

My neck is sore =(... Week Three Thursday

The entire day was essentially PD Day. All the different FFCA campuses congregated at the high school campus to participate in the numerous PD workshop activities. We started out with a small coffee/donut break before diving into some techniques that we could use in the classroom. The morning capped off with an activity that required us to come up with ten words that we think students need to know for each particular grade. I was in the grade 11 group so we grouped together in a classroom and worked on what we thought were the top ten words. Essentially, we used a wordle to see which word popped out the most (when we were making our list).

Lunch was next, which the school graciously provided. I had a roast beef sandwich, a small vegetable salad, fruit salad and a brownie! I was pleasantly surprised by how much food we got for lunch! 

After lunch was more group work. This time, it was to take our ten words and apply it to your area of specialization. I was working with teachers that were teaching grade 9 and 10 sciences. Even though I couldn't really participate in the discussions, I had the chance to observe how other teachers collaborated with one another as they threw out ideas and critique things that didn't fit with their beliefs. 

After a quick wrap up, PD was done... for today at least! There's one more PD tomorrow, but it'll be mostly departmental PD. There will also be a pot luck, so I'll be bringing in some sushi. (The theme was food that was compartmentalize-able. I was thinking of dumplings, but that would require me to cook them... which I sadly can't really do. =( ).

 Lunch for today! It was packed in a cardboard box, which was a pleasant surprise as well! I was expecting brown bags.

Now onto my title. Somehow, I pulled a neck muscle (if that's even possible).

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