Wednesday 14 November 2012

Day Three already??

It's hard to believe that day three has ended! Even though we just started practicum recently, it seems like its going by so fast! Today, my learning partner teacher and I got the chance to teach a bit in Chem 20. We both had lessons prepared for teaching pH and hydronium concentrations. She taught the first Chem 20 class while I taught the second Chem 20 class. It went alright, but I realized that there were quite a bit of things that I thought made my lesson less than ideal. As my partner teacher reminded us, we should not only look for things to improve, but also things that was done well.

As in getting my students' names... well I think I got the Chem 20 class I taught today down pat. There's two more classes of names to learn!

As for tomorrow, my learning partner teacher and I will be teaching the entire Biol 30 class! We're going to discuss the structure of DNA and DNA replication. Also, she came up with a brilliant activity for students to take part in after the lesson tomorrow!

Here's a pic of some of the materials that will be needed for the material tomorrow:

A picture of paper plates =P I'll post a picture of the results from the activity tomorrow... if I remember

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