Saturday 17 November 2012

Busy Saturday

Started my day with a PD workshop on wellness and interviewing skills. I was able to learn quite a bit from both topics. The interview workshop really reminded me that I need to get ready for the upcoming months! In other words... get a finalized Education-type Resume ready!

After PD, I ended up going to Market Mall to see if I could pick up an item... unfortunately they were sold out. =(

After Market, I went to Canadian Tire to pick up some paint thinners/stripers for a friend. The parking lot was quite busy today. I had to park all the way at the end of the parking lot. The store itself had a large amount of customers, more than what I'm used to seeing. I guess Christmas is around the corner, or people were going due to a one day sales event.

After delivering the cans, I talked with my friend as he worked on his project. I guess I could have helped, but I didn't want my hands to get dirty. =P

Soon, it was off to lunch (at around 3) since I didn't had a chance to eat. I had a bowl of pho at Pho Ha which was as tasty as always! Next was another trip down to Canadian Tire to grab some other equipment for my friend's project.

Finally, I went to go wash my car, since it looked like it changed colors during the previous week. There was a bit of a line up at the place where I usually get my car washed.

When I got home, I was too tired to get any work done, so I just surfed the net and played games...

Tomorrow is another day! (I really need to stop procrastinating so much...)

Also for tomorrow, I'll bring back a blog topic that I had used in the past.

And I need to get a picture for the week's theme... hunger...

I'm already a day late...

AH, disconnected thoughts....


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