Monday 19 November 2012

Week 2

Today marked the start of my second week of practicum. As always, I started off my day with prep. During this time, I went through what I was going to say for biological translation. During the lesson itself, I believe I was able to get the main point across, but I was unable to finish the entire topic. I'll have to finish that first thing tomorrow!

It's for sure a lot tougher to teach high school science compared to junior high science. There's a lot more prep work that I need to do to teach. At times, I have to ask myself how much detail that these students need to know for their grade level, since at times the material they learn is a simplified model of what actually takes place. (I can understand why my Chem prof said on the first day of 201, that everything we learnt in high school is wrong. Technically it's not really wrong, just an overly simplified model that fail to address certain points =P).

I'm still learning the names of my students! I feel ashamed that I was not able to learn everybody's name during the last week. I was able to do that in my last practicum, but I'm struggling in this practicum. =(

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