Wednesday 7 November 2012

Almost done!

The semester of school work is finally coming to a close! I had quite a long day today, since I was at school from about 8 AM and left at around 9:30 PM. I managed to get quite a bit of stuff done today though , which is always a good thing! I got through the first chapter of 508 (such a pricey book), get about 90% done on my 504 test prep for Friday and a couple hundred more words for 507 (took about 30 minutes to write those down). And I managed to fit in some physical exercise after 501 today! =)

I cannot wait for this semester to end! I'm looking forward to my 4 week practicum at FFCA. I believe I mentioned it already, but I'm eagerly awaiting my chance to enter a charter school and see what differences exist between that type of school and a public school. For one, I know that the students wear uniforms.

That reminds me... I need to double check on the dress code for teachers at the school...

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