Tuesday 13 November 2012

Week 1 Day 2

I woke up a bit later than I expected. I planned to arrive at 7:30 today, but I ended up arriving at around 7:50... when school pretty much starts.


Fortunately for me, my partner teacher has a prep first thing in the morning. At FFCA, the schedules for the high school students are the same every day (except for 3 credit courses). That's an interesting system, and I can see the benefits in using that particular system. However, I don't think I'll be able to tolerate it as a student =/.

My learning partner and I spent the prep and a good chunk of block 2 (Biol 30) to come up with a lesson plan on calculating pH and hydronium concentrations. It was an interesting experience to come up with a lesson plan together, for it gave us the chance to go over concepts and correct one another if we had any misunderstandings about certain topics. It also helped me, at least, in terms of expanding a lesson with visuals that I wouldn't have thought of using, or any other teaching techniques.

I'll try to remember to implement some techniques tomorrow!

After lunch, we watched our partner teacher teach the two chemistry classes. It's amazing how both classes are on the same track! No one class is ahead/behind the other class.

After school, my partner teacher led me to the drama/music teacher's room since I was inquiring whether I could join the school's musical since they were looking for a piano player. It would be a good experience for me since I never really had a chance to play a large part in a musical. Also, it would be a good extra curricular activity for my practicum experience! =)

My car is so dirty. =( That's the trouble when you park on the street with all that slush on the ground!

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