Saturday 24 November 2018

A first for me

Woke up and headed to the gym after breakfast. Leg day was alright, though squats weren't going up as fast as I would like for 255 lbs. I could only muster two reps. I hope it's just my body adjusting to squatting three times a week again.

Deadlift was feeling great until I headed off to 105 kg. When I went to get some clips, I somehow got a metal splinter! I had splinters before, but never metal. My brother was able to remove it without much trouble when we got home.

I went out for dinner to Ichiran. We were lucky to be there just before they ran out of stock. It didn't really matter to me since I ordered a mazemen. It was quite delicious, though I think I preferred the one at Jinya more.

Other than that, I went through a batch of written unit tests. Unlike previous years, students were able to answer a question that many students got incorrect in previous years! Overall though, they tend to do better at the written section than multiple choice.

Perhaps its time to revisit my written section and make it harder...

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