Monday 19 November 2018

Markings of a long week

It's been a while since I stayed till nearly 6 at work. I normally try to leave at 4, and no later than 5, but today marked some work to be done for the week to run smoothly for me. It meant skipping arms and shoulders, but at least I don't have to miss leg day tomorrow... I hope. Parent teacher interviews are this week as well, and it'll be a long Thursday...

I stopped by the local Dollar Tree to pick up supplies for a lab later this week. At items no more than $1.25, it makes shopping for cheap items easy to do. I purchased some glow sticks and ice cube trays (since I lost my other trays somewhere at work).

After getting home, I utilized my time to modify exams for later this week, along with making some notes. I managed to get in some Let's Go, Eevee as well! Once again, they did a great job with bringing Eevee out as a mascot!

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