Sunday 25 November 2018

Another Shopping Day...

Karate was the same like any other week. The class I teach had a practice tournament since the kata tournament is taking place next week. Despite being just a practice tournament, most of the students put in 100% power. Perhaps I should tell the kids that every week is a practice tournament to see if it applies to their other skills.

After karate, my brother and I met up with our cousins for a get together lunch. Scrumptious dim sum is always great to eat! After lunch, it was off to Market Mall and Memory Express in the NE to pick up components for my mom. I've been to Memory Express everyday for the past three days (including today).

Chances are I'll be back tomorrow...

On a happier note, I managed to finish marking my exams, which I didn't expect to do! It should give me time tomorrow to install my new HDD...

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