Tuesday 20 November 2018

I never knew physical attractiveness equated to the type of car one drives!

My student teacher has been taking care of my grade 8 classes, so I normally sit with the students to observe as he teaches. During one of my classes today, a student told me that a younger student said something rude. Asking what the student heard, she said that the perpetrator wondered how such an ugly person (me in this case) can drive such a nice car.

First of all, my car, once again is quite ordinary. I bought it mostly for the rarity of it's color, rather than it's looks (and for some performance over a regular compact sedan). Second, I guess I could use a wardrobe upgrade... I've been wearing shirts from when I was bigger, so some of them are quite baggy.

I guess I should comb my hair a bit more as well...

But other than that, I was quite amused by the comment. If I had time, I could track down the student and ask what car s/he suggests I drive...

But other than that, quick day at the gym for leg day. Sets of 4 reps of 225 lbs was hard today mentally, but it went up relatively well. I did some sled work to finish off leg day before cooling down on the assault bikes.

Since it was also my brother's birthday, there was more for dinner than usual. Unfortunately, I have lost the ability to eat a lot, thus meaning I wasn't able to eat much tonight. =(

The gripes of old age. =/

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