Thursday 1 November 2018

Holy moly...

I have no idea why I dread post-Hallowe'en school, since the last previous years have been alright. Something in my gut was telling me that today won't be like previous years, however.

And it turned out that my gut was right. I'm not sure whether my students were exaggerating or not, but staying out till 12 AM for candy on a school night??? The lack of sleep sure made some students wild (not sugar... there's enough research out there stating that sugar doesn't cause hyperactivity. I still wouldn't recommend all that sugar though -- diabetes, cavities, and other health issues).

Homeroom class party was decent, though some students decided that since it was a party, they could ignore rules and leave class whenever they wanted to leave. An another class kept on getting sidetracked with non-science questions, which was difficult for me to get them back on task. My noisiest class, however, was actually well behaved and my grade sevens were angels.

Other than that, I managed to survived relatively unscathed.

I had an eye doctor appointment in the afternoon, and fortunately everything checked out. Leg day at the gym was relatively light -- heavier reps, though less quantity. Heavy sets are much easier than endurance sets in my opinion.

Good thing tomorrow is Friday though! Lots of marking to do over the weekend...

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