Saturday 10 November 2018

What a week of being sedentary could do!

I had a chiro session for my wrist early in the morning. It hasn't been really bothering me, which is vast improvement, though it could have been due to not going to the gym all week.

Which leads me to the next part of the blog: I went straight to the gym after my appointment. Leg day was a disaster. Squatting 135 lbs was arduous in that my hips and knees were feeling extremely tight. I was stretching for a good 20 minutes before hand, but it wasn't enough. Not wanting to injure myself from sitting all week, I decided to call it early after 5 sets of 5 reps of 135 lbs and spend another 20 minutes stretching.

I got in some Tomb Raider before playing around with my router settings. Due to dead spots at home, and having access to two routers, I decided to try setting up a Wireless Distribution System (WDS). It wasn't as hard as it looked initially, but it did take time since I was trying to bridge both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, when you're only allowed to do one. (Or so I read online).

After moving the second router to an area with dead space, I proceeded to mark my Robotic 8 websites. The rubric provided from was a lot simpler than I thought it would be, so I modified it to fit my needs. Marking websites was actually quite fun, since students tend to be quite creative. Some barely had anything, while others went above what I expected.

After that was all said and done, I spent a couple of hours finishing up Tomb Raider. The first in the reboot trilogy was overall a great game despite not having as many tombs to explore as I thought it would have. It was a cinematic experience as you control Lara Croft through the island of Yamatai. It always seemed as Lara having bad luck since the game steered you towards taking the long route to your destination (burning bridges, obstacles blocking your way, etc). Onto the second of the trilogy next week!

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