Wednesday 28 November 2018

No regrets!

The last time I spent so much money on my computer, was when I first built it in 2014. In the past five weeks, I purchased a new video card, new mouse, new HDD and finally a new SSD today at Memory Express. I can't recall the last time I've shopped nearly four times at one store within a week span...

I managed to grab a 500 GB SSD, which is a noticeable improvement over my current 120 GB. I was sitting on the fence (once again) on this purchase since I don't really need a new SSD (despite only having about 8 GB of storage left on this drive), but I needed to stop by since I ran out of SATA cables.

So far, no regrets! I should have more than enough space for my files (pictures and games) without needing to clear up my drives as often!

Other than that, ordinary day at work. One class finished their presentations, while there's two more left to go.

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