Wednesday 21 November 2018

Test Day is Always a Good Day

My grade 8s had their first part of their unit test today, which meant that 3 out of my 6 periods (with one being a prep) were just for exams. Results were similar to last year, where a fair number of students failed the exam (I think 10 out of the 72 students or so that wrote the test). I haven't figured out class average yet, but I'm assuming it's in the 60s. The last time no one failed this Cells and Systems unit test was during the 2015-2016 school year, though my classes for that year were phenomenally good that year.

Other than work, it was leg and back day today. I've upped the weight to 185 lbs for fives (five sets -- my knee was starting to feel weird) and weighted pull ups (25 lbs for reps for 4). Squatting three days again is going to be tough, but it's probably for the best in the long run.

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