Tuesday 29 November 2011

EEEL is sooooo nice

Second presentation done! Just one more to go and I'm done all my presentations for this semester! Just the finals and 401 paper to do =P and readings...

Anyways, I had some free time between my 401 seminar and 403 class since my brain just went into shut down mode (was working on my 401 paper...). I decided then to go visit the EEEL building that's outside of ICT.

All I can say is, that's it's soooo nice. I wish I was in first year again so I would be able to have my chemistry labs in that building!

Here are some pics of that place

So high tech!

Anyways, too lazy to post those songs... maybe Thursday? =P
Kinda feel empty without that game though... =(

Monday 28 November 2011


Like the title says, just two more weeks of school for me! This week is the last week of instruction and next week will be my exams =P. That means, I have a lot of work to do this week... such as readings (almost caught up!), a paper (due next Friday, thank gosh) and two more presentations to go (Tomorrow is 401 and Wednesday is 403). I swear, once school is over. I'm going to spend my first week playing GAMES and rotting my brains out... to a certain extent of course.

Today was a typical Monday. Went to my educational psyc seminar to write my last response! Thank goodness. Those responses aren't the most fun thing in the world. =P After that, I had a quick group meeting for our 403 presentation. Time to find myself a toilet paper roll and make a microphone out of that =). As for 401's lecture today, we ended up designing a final exam question for "Teaching". Hopefully our question was alright...

And now I'm home working on homework. Oh joy... Well off to sleep soon since I have volunteering tomorrow morning!

As for today's picture of the day
A picture of a cubicle at Social Sciences (2nd floor). I sit here whenever I can't get a spot at the picnic tables. =( The book (Engaging Minds) is for 401 and that is my ol' trusty macbook pro. Despite having an iPhone and a Macbook Pro, I am not a hardcore Apple Fanboy. I enjoy using their products since they're easy to use, but I would not go out and buy all their latest goods since I simply cannot afford to replace my products year after year, after year...

As for today's 30 day song challenge: Day 30 (LAST ONE): my favorite song last year at this time.

Well I can't use Smile Again... so...

Jyongri - Maybe Someday

Couldn't find the MV for it =(. It was a decent MV I must say...

Anyways, I wanted to list all the songs I used for the 30 days, but I'm too tired to do it tonight, so I'll do it tomorrow night! Good Night World!

Sunday 27 November 2011

Long Day

Started of my Sunday like any other Sunday. Went to karate to train and teach, but boy was I stiff today. I do not know why I was so tired today as well...

Anyways, after karate, I went home and got more readings done. Just the last chapter in EDUC 402 (long one it seems...) and a couple chapters for 404. Loads of work to do this week since its the week before my finals!

Besides readings, I helped my dad install a windshield heater for my mom's car. It was actually harder than I thought it would be, but we got the job done (or more like my dad did. I just stood there mostly holding the light for him =P)

Anyways, for today's picture of the day... 

Honda Integra/ Acura RSX/ DC5, whatever you want to call it. I started to have respect for this car after a friend of mine bought his a couple years back. I never understood the hype with the RSX, but now I admit, its a pretty nice car for its price and what you can do to it is pretty amazing with a bit of elbow grease.

As for today's song of the day: a song from my childhood
No need for an explanation =P

Saturday 26 November 2011

TED Talks and Readings...

Volunteering was quite interesting today. Near the end of my shift, I was playing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J.S. Bach), when I noticed that a caretaker was listening to me play. After I finished playing, he asked me to play the song once again, in which I complied. After playing the song a second time, he asked if he could play a duet with me with his violin. At this time, another gentleman was listening to me and ask if he could join us with his guitar. So in the end, we had a little band going along at the corner of the west entrance of PLC. It wasn't a very smooth performance, but nonetheless, it was quite good for our first time!

Work was the same old, so nothing too exciting happened. 

After work, I went home and finished reading chapter 10 of my Psyc textbook. Near the end, nothing was being absorbed, but I just wanted to say that I finished the chapter... so I trudged on. After doing my reading (for last week), I went ahead and watched the 4 TED talks for 401. I really enjoyed the classical music one, since I have some experience in Classical music myself!

Here is the classical music one! It's about 20 minutes long if you're interested in watching it! Zander has an interesting personality which made this talk engaging throughout the entire 20 minutes, for me anyways.

Anyways, no picture today! Too lazy =P

For the 30 day song challenge: a song that makes me feel guilty...

Sergei Prokofiev - Diabolical Suggestion 
This was my... List D (?) for my ARCT... I wish I spent more time on this piece. I could play at around 80% speed of what the guy was playing, but it was all notes (and wrong notes at points!). I want to take this piece up again... but I CAN'T FIND MY SHEET MUSIC FOR IT =(

Friday 25 November 2011


Another Friday! Started off this morning with my 404 presentation... the first quote for me was a gong show, but it got better by the third one =P

After coming home, I helped my dad change the winter tires on my mom's car =P. It should be ready for the winter now!

For dinner/bro night, we went to Sushi Ichiban to celebrate a bro's birthday! Here's a picture of Ikura (Salmon Roe) that I ate. Nobody else likes it since its so salty and fishy...

As for the 30 day song challenge: a song that I wish I could play
Volodo's version of Mozart's Turkish March. I was able to play about the 25% of the notes (4 pages out of the 13 i printed out). Mind you, its notes, not music...

So hard, especially near the end >.> Ah, maybe one day!


Another Friday! Started off this morning with my 404 presentation... the first quote for me was a gong show, but it got better by the third one =P

After coming home, I helped my dad change the winter tires on my mom's car =P. It should be ready for the winter now!

For dinner/bro night, we went to Sushi Ichiban to celebrate a bro's birthday! Here's a picture of Ikura (Salmon Roe) that I ate. Nobody else likes it since its so salty and fishy...

As for the 30 day song challenge: a song that I wish I could play
Volodo's version of Mozart's Turkish March. I was able to play about the 25% of the notes (4 pages out of the 13 i printed out)

Thursday 24 November 2011


So tired today >.> Only got 3 hours of sleep last night (which I guess is a lot compared to some people...) I can't imagine pulling an all-nighter =(

Anyways, today was another ordinary day. After school, I went home and took a nap after finishing reading one of my textbooks for school! =)

As for today's picture of the day
Matcha Cappuccino! Pretty much, it's green tea, but with milk.

As for today's 30 day song challenge: a song that i can play on an instrument.

Well I have been playing the piano for the past 19 years. Here's a song that I started playing about... 11 years ago?

  W.A. Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Suicide Wings are sure hot!

Besides being another ordinary day, I went to Toad and Turtle for a bit of dinner after school. Toad and Turtle is pretty much a pub (I think, by the way it was set up). Wings were 30 cents on Wednesday, so we ended up ordering about 70 in total for the four of us. For my first order, I decided to order 10 Suicide wings... 

They. Were. So.... HOT. I haven't eaten such spicy foods in a long while. My stomach was flipping around the entire time and my tongue was on fire! At times, my whole body was shaking. As one of my friends nicely put it, "David, you just killed 4 people today."

Here's a crappy picture of those suicide wings...
When those wings arrived at our table, the smell of "hotness" just overwhelmed our nostrils...

Anyways for today's 30 day song challenge: day 25- a song that makes me laugh...

Songs dont make me laugh... but this one is an exception lol =P

Lol, the magic of autotune!

Tuesday 22 November 2011


I didnt realize it was this late! I was playing SC for the last hour. =P

Anyways, nothing really exciting happened today. So therefore the picture of the day is... nothing >.>

30 day song challenge: a song that i want to be played at my funeral:

The old classic: Chopin's Funeral March (some sonata, but I don't remember the key... lots of flats i believe though)

Monday 21 November 2011

Genius Nap

Normal day once again... except I didn't START ON MY 403 PAPER YET >.> (Due tomorrow...)
I'll do it tomorrow morning... too tired to work on it now. Good thing its only 2 pages double spaced...

Anyways, during my break, I was at the picnic tables. A friend of mine brought up the topic of Genius Nap, which intrigued my curiosity. Apparently, Thomas Edison didn't really sleep... he took naps instead (20 minutes was it?). To wake him up/prevent him from sleeping too long, he would hold ball bearings in his hands. When they slipped out of his hands, he would wake up! Very interesting story!

Thus, the picture of the day is:
credits: http://0.tqn.com/d/inventors/1/0/c/C/edison2.jpg

And now, time for a special presentation! I present to you: BoA's new MV: Milestone
The MV has a really interesting theme associated with it. Throughout it, you see BoA in a couple of different scenarios, but in each one, she's alone. It makes me wonder, what kind of Milestone did she achieve? Why is she alone? All in all, the video was well done. It has an ethereal feeling to it, especially at 2:47 to the end. (If anything, do listen from 2:47 to the end. She did such an amazing job singing the chorus, that I repeated this 30 secondish section for about 8 minutes straight). I don't like the abrupt end to this song, but the song overal has started to grow on me.

By the way, she has very long-looking legs! =P

Now, time for the 30 day song challenge: a song that I would like to be played at my wedding.

Hmm, how about this one?
alan - Nada Sou Sou (Chinese Version)
Nada Sou Sou has been covered by MANY artists (at least 41 artists according to wikipedia). It's a really pleasant song to listen to, so I do recommend that you listen to it. If you enjoy it, there's an english version for you to listen to ^.^

Why I would like this to be played at my wedding? Well the literal translation of Nada Sou Sou is 'Tears for you". I feel like a really good relationship is one that goes through a lot of hardships, but is able to survive through it and become stronger (thus the tears). Lol, all I have to hope for now is that my future fiancee/wife would accept the song.

CSS Lip Dub

A bunch of pals from the UofC's CSS (Chinese Student Society) created a lip dub video! This video is for their current campaign: Lead the BlackBerry Messengers (sponsored by CampusPerks and, of course, BlackBerry.)

Very creative video. The timing of their lips and the music was spot on! Good job to whomever edited it!

 You know what to do! Go watch the video and give it a thumbs up! =D

Sunday 20 November 2011

Brother's Birthday!

Today marks my brother's 20th birthday! Otherwise, it was a typical Sunday.

After karate, I went home and worked on my presentations a bit and did some psyc readings for tomorrow. =( I have to catch up for the readings that I didn't do last week >.>

And sleep! I need to catch up on sleep. If I don't get my 7 hours of sleep a night, I get really cranky the next day (and tired!)

So off to sleep soon! Anyways, here is a picture of his cake!

As for the 30 day song challenge: a song i listen to when I'm sad...

well when i'm down, I would listen to ballads (like any of the songs i'm currently listening to... not sad though!) anyways, here's a typical ballad i would listen to

Koda Kumi - Moon Crying

I don't really like Koda's voice, but her ballad bgm is awesome! I don't think I heard a Koda ballada with a crappy background!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Nov 19

Now for today's post!

No work today, so I spent the time working on my 403 presentation. Afterwards, I went to a friend's house to help him move his old tank. It was quite heavy and it took a lot of work to move his stand out of the way. (I didn't do much work besides the moving part. He was the one that had to disassemble the stand =P)

After coming home, I started working on my 404 presentation. So many presentations these next coming of weeks (including a 401 presentation). Thank goodness though that I took biological sciences. I think it helped me organize my time better =P

Anyways, for today's picture of the day... I don't have one in mind, so I'm going to scroll around the net to find a picture that interests me.

A dolphin! I just typed in picture on google images, and I found this =P
Credits: http://www.webmastergrade.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Dolphin-Picture.jpg

As for today's song of the day: 21 - a song that i listen to when i'm happy...

Well, I normally don't listen to a song when I'm happy... I guess I normally listen to songs, when I'm doing homework (and that's usually piano songs) or driving/bussing to school. I guess this would qualify as a happy song, or that it makes me happy? (I don't think I used it yet)

Yuna Ito - Trust You. I couldn't find the MV for this song. It's such a shame, since it was really well made in my opinion. Anyways, enjoy!

Nov 18th post

I was out till about 1:30 last night, so that's why I didn't post anything =(

Anyways, for "Bro Night", we went to go eat at Calgary court. 1/3 of the bros weren't present due to other activities or misunderstandings =P ahha

Here's a picture of our meal. We actually all got the same thing: Teriyaki Chicken. It was actually pretty good!
Calgary Court wasn't as busy as usual since it was so cold yesterday! =(

For today's 30 day song challenge: 20 - a song i listen to when i'm angry...

Hmm, I don't really listen to songs when I'm angry, but if I have to, I guess I would listen to this song

Ayumi Hamasaki - Voyage. I hope that this song would help me calm down =P

Thursday 17 November 2011


GRRRR! Just finished my paper! So tired >.>

Going to sleep, so I'll keep this short.

Here's today's picture
A picture of my desk with the articles I used for my paper =P

As for today's song of the day: a song from my favorite album

Hmm... my favorite album is BoA's Best & USA (strangely enough...) Since I'm tired, I did not acknowledge the fact that it's "a" song... so i'm going to put two up! =)

BoA - Eien

BoA - Sweet Impact


EDIT: Oh! How can I miss this one!

BoA - Do the Motion
This was when she changed from her "cute image" to a more "mature image".

Wednesday 16 November 2011


A typical day in the life of David. Went to school, discussed about our group project for EDUC 403 and had EDUC 404 in the afternoon. Afterwards, I went to Market Mall for a while. Came home, ate dinner and watched another episode of Sket Dance.

I still got 5 (double spaced) pages to go in my paper that's due this Friday, but I think I can manage tomorrow =). It feels more like a science paper (since there's a research question, data, analysis/discussion, recommendation), then any of the other papers I wrote so far. For once, I kinda feel "at home".

Anyways, for today's picture of the day:
99% Dark Chocolate! After eating this, regular dark chocolate tastes too sweet! (Regular Dark is like 72%??) Anyways, I guess I can tolerate this kind of food because I swear I have no bitter receptors! When I eat this, I taste absolutely nothing in my mouth... though I often sneeze right after I start chewing...

The song for the day: a song that I wish I heard on the radio
This one is EASY

Rainie Yang - Yu Ai

I LOVE this song! One of my favorites from Rainie Yang. I first heard it on her drama, Hi My Sweetheart! (Starring Show Lo and Rainie) I'm usually not a big fan of Romance dramas, but somehow, this became my favorite Taiwanese drama to date! The lyrics are slightly sad, but enjoy the translations!

The weather outside the window, is like your ever-changing expressions.
It starts to rain and the rain cries with me.
It is blurry, but I don't want to see clearly.

Leaving you, I silently retreat.
I can't bare to tell our story.
My tears flow into my heart and I'm learning to give up.

Listening to the rain, the rhythm is distinct. Your breathing soaks my love like that
falling rain. I hope that rain will continue to pour.
Let me continue to miss you
Let my love become transparent
I fell in love with the courage that gave me "Rainie love".

The raindrops outside the window slowly accumulate
The moisture indoors are like my memories of my love for you
I hope that rain will continue to pour.
This secret of my rainy love will last forever
I believe that I will see the beauty of the rainbow.

The cold air, is suffocating and I cannot breathe.
Being the distance of 10.000 raindrops lets love fade completely away.

Leaving you, I silently retreat.
I can't bare to tell our story.
My tears flow into my heart and I'm learning to give up.

Listening to the rain, the rhythm is distinct. Your breathing soaks my love like the
falling rain. I hope that rain will continue to pour.
Let me continue to miss you
Let my love become transparent
I fell in love with the courage that gave me "Rainie Love".

The raindrops outside the window slowly accumulate
The moisture indoors are like my memories of my love for you
I hope that rain will continue to pour.
This secret of my rainy love will last forever
I believe that I will see the beauty of the rainbow.

The moisture indoors
are like my memories of my love for you
I hope that the rain will continue to pour
this secret of my rainy love
will last forever
I believe that I will
see the beauty of the rainbow.

Credits: http://tha2chocolixie.blogspot.com/2010/08/yu-ai-rainie-yang-lyrics-translation.html

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Japanese American Idol and WARMTH

After coming home from school today, I watched a singing contest show that is similar to American Idol (or I should say that American Idol is similar to this show since I swear that this show has been around for like 30 years now). I forgot what the show is called, but how it works is that somebody sings. Then the judges (I think they're hidden?) ring a set of bells to rate the performance. If it's a crappy performance, they ring two notes (or one sometimes i believe!) If its a good concert, they ring the bells for at least...11 times!

Today, there were some good singers and some bad ones. Apparently, they filmed this episode in Taiwan, for most of the singers there spoke Mandarin. There was this guy who had a frohawk/mullet, but he was a pretty good singer!

AH, here's the program: NHK Amateur Singing Contest

For today's picture
Yes! My heating vent that is near my study area! When I was young, I would curl up next to the vent (or even lie on top of it) to enjoy the warmth that comes from it. The sound of the air blowing up the vent was very soothing to me. Now a days, I would occasionally curl up, though more like place myself in a fetal position since i'm so big now, and lie there till the furnace stops working. I do this mostly when I'm bored from studying (which is quite often in the winter!)

Enough embarrassing things about me =P. For today's 30 day song challenge: a song that i often hear on the radio.

Well, I don't listen to the radio often, since I'm not really into western pop music... but I listened to it today and heard this song:

Drake - Headline

Besides seeing him in Degrassi, I don't know anything more about this guy...

Monday 14 November 2011


I think today marks the first day of a semi-snowstorm of the Fall/Winter (still early to be classified as winter) season. Here's a picture of it!
This was taken in the "mud room" (the little room between the two sets of doors... dunno the official name of it) in the admin building. I was to chicken to step outside and take a picture =P

I'm tired so I'll keep it super short today T.T

For today's 30 day song challenge: day 16 - a song that I used to love but now hate

Well this is an easy one...

BoA - Everlasting. I don't necessary hate this song, but I gotten bored listening to it. I guess I overkilled it, because back in the day (before it came out), I would listen to the preview for hours everyday for at least one week. Talk about an obsession...

Sunday 13 November 2011


Ah school tomorrow, and I haven't finished the first part of my 404 paper yet =(. Oh well, I have tomorrow morning I guess =P

Anyways, I had karate this morning. We worked on kicks today, but I felt like I haven't done them before! I was strangely stiffer than usual during those kicks.

Afterwards, I went to a friend's house where there was a "make-up" party. Essentially, they were advertising their products. There was a men's line that caught my eye, but unfortunately I don't have the funds to purchase their products =(. Maybe it is time to start seriously looking into a job... (like that's really going to happen now =P)

Anyways, for today's picture of the day:

This is the current background picture I have on my phone at the moment. (As you can tell, I'm getting pretty desperate for photos...)

As for today's 30 day song challenge: Day 15 (halfway there!): a song that describes me

Well... I really don't know the lyrics to the songs that I listen to, so I guess I'll stick to a piano song

Final Fantasy XIII - March of the Dreadnoughts. (I really like that crystal piano!) How does this represent me? I do not know!

Saturday 12 November 2011

It's Saturday!

I don't know why, but today reminded me of the musical our elementary school put on when I was in grade 5. I recall wearing a white shirt and dancing in a dark gym. =P

Anyways, today was a typical Saturday. Went to volunteering and then work. After coming home, my dad tried showing me how to change the oil in the car, but in the end I didn't end up doing it. The reason being was that he was scared I'll screw up (ie: kick the jack or something along those lines), and have the car fall on me.

Well for today's picture of the day:
Another STi, I know, but it's so nice! Something about white cars with green rims =P.

As for today's 30 day song challenge: a song that nobody expects me to love

Well as you guys may have noticed, all the songs I posted (except for like two?) are in another language besides English. Normally I don't listen to English songs since I find that the lyrics distract me when I study. That's why I listen to songs I don't understand, so I won't pay attention to the lyrics.

Far East Movement - Rocketeer feat Ryan Tedder

I don't really enjoy it now, but I used to like it when it came out.

Friday 11 November 2011

Remembrance Day

Today is the 11th day, of the 11th month of the 11th year of the 21st century. Also, it is Remembrance Day. On this day, we remembered to those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom, and to those who still serve us today. Lest we forget.

For "Bro Night" today, we went to Raymond's house to eat hot pot! I forgot to take a picture of all the delicious food we ate, but here's a picture of the cake we had for dessert. It came from T&T.

As for the 30 day song challenge: a song that is a guilty pleasure...

Hmm, I don't really have a song that is a guilty pleasure... unless you count this song? It has an interesting title:

The title of this song is:

みんなでね ~PANDA with CandyBEAR's~

Cute MV! 

Thursday 10 November 2011

First Day of Reading Week/Day(s)

Didn't get much work done... >.> All I did today really was Survivor mode on CoD.

Almost done my essay though! Just have to edit it tomorrow.

As for today's picture...

No picture since it was such a boring/ordinary day =(

As for today's 30 day song challenge: a song from a band that i hate

well, i don't really listen to bands, so i can't say that i hate any songs from a band... but if there's a band/genre of music i don't like...

it'll be screamo

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Call of Duty 3!

Had just the one class today... at 5 PM... >.<

The Dean spoke to us today about making changes to the program to help us get through the new program. Hopefully everything goes smoothly... as smooth as one can get going through a pilot program!

I started watching Sket Dance today! Apparently, the creator used to work for the creator of Gintama, or something like that. I can see the similarities between the two shows, but there are their differences. For one, Sket Dance doesn't seem as dirty as Gintama. =P

Anyways, my brother got his copy of MW3 today. It's actually quite fun. Survivor mode is pretty crazy!

Day 11 of the 30 day song challenge: a song from my favorite band.

well i don't have a favorite band... but a band i kinda listen to is Prague

Found this song off Gintama. I believe it was the 2nd Ending theme for the 5th season if I'm not mistaken!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

What are the chances...

Today marks the first day I started volunteering for the Calgary Reads program. Fortunately for me, I was able to pick which elementary school I wanted to go to and that happened to be my elementary school that is about 2 minutes away from my house! When I entered the school, I found out that my principal from grade 4-6 was still there. I also found out that my grade 4-6 music teacher was also there! (I believe she's been there for the last 3 years of my primary education...). As I walked around the school, it seemed so foreign to me. All of the classrooms have been revamped with smart boards, new flooring, etc. It was nice to see though, that my class photos are still up on the wall (I guess my school isn't that old yet... like 30 years old or so?) Anyways, I had a hectic, but enjoyable time reading with my two buddies.

Going to my old elementary wasn't the end of my trip down memory lane! After I was finished with my seminar, I met my old Suzuki piano teacher in the hallways. We talked for a while, since its been about 14-15 years since I stopped taking piano under the Suzuki methodology.

Anyways, that marks my day! As for today's picture:
This is the spot where I usually hang out between classes. We call it the "picnic tables", since it kind of looks like picnic tables. I never get any work done here, but we have a BLAST of a time hanging out here. Some of the most hilarious stuff in my life occur at these tables!

As for today's song: a song that makes you fall asleep... Well this song comes to mind! It's not bad that it makes me fall asleep, rather that its peaceful, that it lulls me to sleep =P

Mika Nakashima's Nagareboshi (Shooting Stars... i believe)
I couldn't find a version with her singing in it, so here's a music box version of it!

Monday 7 November 2011

So weird to go back to school!

My first day back on campus and boy, was it weird... It was actually strange to see university students, even though I am a university student. It made me realize how old I'm getting =(

So tired, so I'll cut down to the daily picture and song of the day.

This is a picture of a STi I have on Grans Turismo 5

I should have lowered my car and camber my wheels a bit. Oh well =P

As for today's song: a song that you can dance too

This song brings back memories:

Backstreet Boys - As long as you love me

When I was about... 7 (?), I was at my cousins house for a party. We were dancing to songs and I chose to dance to this song. I ended up falling flat on my face with a mild nosebleed. Yup... great memories =.=

Sunday 6 November 2011

My thoughts on the last two weeks

Well here goes nothing:

With around a 3.2 GPA in biological sciences, I knew that I had no hope to try out for med school in Canada. I was in my fourth year of university before I realized that I should have probably switched into another degree that will give me a greater chance of landing a job in the future. With the end so near in sight (graduation), I thought to myself, "David, you really have two choices: 1) Go do my masters OR 2) Do another degree". I didn't enjoy biological sciences as much as I would like, so I knew that I couldn't do a masters program. All that was left really, was to find another degree to do.

Since I been tutoring for the past 10 years (started off with Rapid Calculation, then moved onto regular tutoring), teaching karate for the past 12 years and teaching piano for about 3 years, I immediately thought of education.  However, I was hesitant at times since there doesn't seem to be a lot of job postings for teachers in the CBE and that the pay is quite low for an after degree ($45 000 a year I believe when I last checked). At this time, I got suggestions to pursue a MBA since they make much more money than a teacher.

As I entered my first day of Education, I was amazed to see so many other student teachers. At least 400 in my year! I guess you could say that I was feeling cocky on my first day, since I thought that with all my experiences, Education shouldn't be too difficult right? I even thought about dropping out of the program on the FIRST DAY, since I was pretty much set on getting a MBA. I recall even going to talk to the MBA coordinator at the university to see whether or not I could qualify as a candidate for the MBA program. While talking to the coordinator, she recommended that I should finish my education degree before applying since I was too young, so taking her words into consideration, I decided to stick with the program.

Well, was I wrong. There were things that I didn't know, such as using tact in certain situation. Being brought up by asian parents, well all we really know is discipline. I never physically disciplined my students, but I did yell a lot in karate. (Such as telling them to get in line, to stop fooling around, to kiai louder, etc). By using tact, I could enhance a student's growth, rather then just imbuing discipline (which they never truly seem to have lol). I learnt that negative reinforcement should be used, rather than punishment. I learned the importance of a curriculum that should help a student, rather than to produce workers, etc. There were many things that I learnt, that I never learnt before. However, I didn't really care much since I thought, "Well after I'm done my degree, I'm just going to go find a job at an office and work for a bit before applying for the MBA program).

Then in late October, I had my first field practicum. I was placed in Forest Lawn for my first week, and Erin Woods Elementary for my second week. To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to working at either schools since they were pretty much in our "ghetto". Well well, was I wrong.

Forest Lawn was indeed an interesting experience. Most of the students I encountered were polite to me and my fellow student teachers. Also, the teachers there seemed to be really engaged with their students. I assumed that teachers wouldn't care about students at Forest Lawn, due to its reputation, but they were as hard working as any teacher I encountered when I went to high school. I had the chance to visit classes ranging from "low achieving" (ie: Science 14) to "high achieving" (ie: Chemistry 30 AP) students. I enjoyed working with the Science 14 students more since the teacher I was with did an excellent job with his class. He encouraged students to think outside the box, and he would celebrate the accomplishments they achieved (such as 2 people, out of 20 handing in their homework on time). I had to say that I was amazed at the resilience the teacher had, for I would probably initially just give up on that class. He gave them tact, thus getting a positive response from his students EVEN though it wouldn't be at a standard set up by a "normal" class.

At Erin Woods, I got the chance to relive my childhood. I saw children full of energy: playing, studying, making friends, etc. I usually don't like teaching little kids since sometimes "full of energy" = "ADHD", but I didn't have that trouble at all during the week. The students were attentive when the teachers were teaching and asked questions when they needed help. They were a pleasure to help, since they would listen to what I had to say and tried to use my advice in their work.

After these two weeks, I have to say that I actually glad that I entered education. I actually do want to work at a school, whether it being an elementary or a secondary school. There's a sense of joy that I get from teaching others, to help them and myself grow as individuals. I will still probably try and pursue an MBA, just in case I do have troubles landing a job, but for now, it won't be the focus of my career.

Well, time for the picture of the day:
A picture of what Forest Lawn looks like. Credits to Wikipedia

As for the song of the day: a song that you know all the words to

Well this is pretty sad. The only song where I know all the words to is this song:

Well I guess that's a lie, since I only know the first verse, but oh well!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Out of ideas!!

I do not know what to write today! It was an ordinary day today. I went to volunteer and work, with nothing out of the ordinary occurring today! When I came home, I spent a couple hours scrolling through the internet and facebook (yes, facebook is a separate thing from the internet =P). Afterwards, I worked on my paper for my 405 class that is due tomorrow. Almost done it, but I'm so tired from working on it =P

Anyways, for today's picture:
These are the headphones I got from Best Buy for $15 dollars! They were on sale from... $40 to $25, and my brother had a $10 off coupon! =D For its price, its a really great set of headphones!

As for today's 30 day song challenge: a song that reminds me of a certain event

Well this song reminds me of changing seasons:

Namie Amuro - Four Seasons


Friday 4 November 2011

Last Day at Erin Woods and 1st semester Practicum

Today marks the last day of my practicum for the first semester. I had a blast all day playing dodge ball with the grade 6 and grade 1 kids. The grade 1 kids were very kind, for they kept giving me balls to throw. Afterwards, I spent a good amount of time at the music room. Since it was a half day, we ended around noon. Very soon after, there was a rehearsal for handbells, for the staff! It was neat to see how some staff members bonded over activities such as playing handbells together.

I should have time on Sunday to write a more detailed analysis of my 2 week practicum so wait for that! =D

Anyways, today's picture is actually going to be a picture I took during late August. The reason why I'm using this picture is because there's snow outside, and I want this picture to remind me of the wonderful summer I had (Despite it being shorter than normal). This was taken in Banff, near the Tunnel Mountain Campground site.

Now for the 30 day song challenge: a song that reminds me of somewhere

This is actually quite hard, for I don't normally think of places when I listen to songs... The first thing that pops into my mind is this:

Princess Mononoke OST in general. It reminds me of my grandparent's house in Japan. No real reason for it, besides the fact that the movie was Japanese and my grandparent's house is in... Japan.

Thursday 3 November 2011


So tired >.>

Had to be at Erin Woods earlier than usual since we had to attend a meeting. It was an interesting meeting though. I got the chance to see how teachers help each other with problems that they face in their classrooms. After the meeting, I got the chance to shadow a Grade 4/5 split teacher.

When I got home today, I helped my dad change the summer tires on our cars to winter tires. I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Casual Friday at Erin Woods, meaning that we can wear jeans to school! I'm actually looking forward to it. Dress pants are comfortable and all, but I kind of miss wearing my jeans. (Hard to imagine since I wore sweat pants everyday for the good part of my undergrad degree...)

Anyways, for today's picture and 30 day song challenge (a song that reminds you of somebody):

Credits to Dalong.net [http://www.dalong.net/review/pg/p13/p/p13_107.jpg]
I was trying to copy his pose with my own SF, but my wings wouldn't stay up like his for more than 10 seconds. Also, I busted the handles on my guns, so they won't stand straight =(

As for today's song: a song that reminds me of someone

Rainie Yang's - 重新認識我 (anybody can translate this? it's something about finding your true self i guess?)

Well it doesn't remind me of a specific person, rather it reminds me of everyone. I don't know what the lyrics speak to, but looking at the MV, I get a sense of change. The reason why I think this is because you see an image of Rainie when she was young in the mirror, when the current Rainie is looking into the mirror. (Hope it didn't confuse you too much...) Anyways, I feel that it's saying that we all change, that nobody stays the same.

It'll be interesting to see how the lyrics relate to the MV =P

EDIT: So the english title is "Getting to know me". Well looks like my analysis was wrong, but it can still relate to everyone!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

3rd day at Erin Woods

Today I got the chance to visit a grade 2 classroom. Once again, I was quite amazed at how well behaved those students were! Also, they were very engaged with their learnings, which was evident by how they all wanted to answer questions in class!

Here's a pic of some plates taken at Sumo at Sunridge Mall
I believe its their special and beef tataki? 

Anyways, the 4th day in the 30 day challenge is: a song that makes me sad... Tough one since I listen to a lot of slow ballads... Mika Nakashima has tons of sad songs, but I guess the first one that pops into my mind is:

Tackey and Tsubasa's Sotsugyou~Sayonara Wa Ashita no Tame Ni (Inuyasha's Version, or i think its called this.. its so much sadder than the original version). I have to say that this is one of the saddest songs I ever heard. =(

If one, just one wish
Could come true, what would you ask for?
Where are you now? Who are you with now?
I look up and ask the blue sky

With you - you were always by my side, but now you're gone
With you - though you promised not to change even when we were apart

Even if we become a memory
I am no match for the warmth next to you
A sad sigh escapes my lips
I hope it flies far away and reaches you

I know I'm no longer in your future
I've finally realized that

For me - you gave me a push when I hesitated
For me - hiding the sorrow in your eyes behind your smile

Even if we say goodbye
I murmured that I wanted you by my side
I can't put this miserable feeling into words
I just hope this prayer reaches you

I release my endless love into the sky
Even if I'm alone, I can keep going

The cherry blossoms flutter, just like that day

Reflecting the light of bright memories
With a sad sigh, I send all my love
To you in brilliant colors

Even if we become a memory
I am no match for the warmth next to you
Goodbye is for the future
I hope it flies far away and reaches you

Credits: http://oneesama.blogspot.com/2008/02/sotsugyousayonara-wa-ashita-no-tame-ni.html

Tuesday 1 November 2011


I should be working on my 401 paper, but I'm so unmotivated to do so!

Anyways, today is the first day of November and my second day at Erin Woods! I got the chance to visit a Grade 4/5 split class and a Grade 1 class. The Grade 4/5 split class was interesting since both grades are taught the same curriculum. In the afternoon, the Grade 1 class I visited reminded me of the ECS class I visited yesterday. They all look so young! Near the end of the day, my Grade 1 class was served pumpkin soup that the teacher (and two other teachers) have made. It was my first time eating pumpkin soup and boy, was it delicious!

Well the picture for today is a picture I took of the Whitehorn Station while I was waiting to pick up my brother. It's a crappy picture, but I really like what a "City Night"atmosphere has to offer. The darkness, but littered with lights, sounds, etc. I find it difficult to explain why I like that type of atmosphere so much, but it gives me a sense of peace; that the day is done. I would like to walk down a busy street (like Stephen Ave) and enjoy the "City Night".

So for day 3 of the 30 day song challenge: a song that makes me happy...

The first song that comes to mind is:

BoA - Sparkling

It's just so cheerful sounding! I don't even know what the lyrics are saying, but I don't care. There's so many blooper scenes in this MV which makes it so cute =P