Monday 21 November 2011

Genius Nap

Normal day once again... except I didn't START ON MY 403 PAPER YET >.> (Due tomorrow...)
I'll do it tomorrow morning... too tired to work on it now. Good thing its only 2 pages double spaced...

Anyways, during my break, I was at the picnic tables. A friend of mine brought up the topic of Genius Nap, which intrigued my curiosity. Apparently, Thomas Edison didn't really sleep... he took naps instead (20 minutes was it?). To wake him up/prevent him from sleeping too long, he would hold ball bearings in his hands. When they slipped out of his hands, he would wake up! Very interesting story!

Thus, the picture of the day is:

And now, time for a special presentation! I present to you: BoA's new MV: Milestone
The MV has a really interesting theme associated with it. Throughout it, you see BoA in a couple of different scenarios, but in each one, she's alone. It makes me wonder, what kind of Milestone did she achieve? Why is she alone? All in all, the video was well done. It has an ethereal feeling to it, especially at 2:47 to the end. (If anything, do listen from 2:47 to the end. She did such an amazing job singing the chorus, that I repeated this 30 secondish section for about 8 minutes straight). I don't like the abrupt end to this song, but the song overal has started to grow on me.

By the way, she has very long-looking legs! =P

Now, time for the 30 day song challenge: a song that I would like to be played at my wedding.

Hmm, how about this one?
alan - Nada Sou Sou (Chinese Version)
Nada Sou Sou has been covered by MANY artists (at least 41 artists according to wikipedia). It's a really pleasant song to listen to, so I do recommend that you listen to it. If you enjoy it, there's an english version for you to listen to ^.^

Why I would like this to be played at my wedding? Well the literal translation of Nada Sou Sou is 'Tears for you". I feel like a really good relationship is one that goes through a lot of hardships, but is able to survive through it and become stronger (thus the tears). Lol, all I have to hope for now is that my future fiancee/wife would accept the song.

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