Sunday 27 November 2011

Long Day

Started of my Sunday like any other Sunday. Went to karate to train and teach, but boy was I stiff today. I do not know why I was so tired today as well...

Anyways, after karate, I went home and got more readings done. Just the last chapter in EDUC 402 (long one it seems...) and a couple chapters for 404. Loads of work to do this week since its the week before my finals!

Besides readings, I helped my dad install a windshield heater for my mom's car. It was actually harder than I thought it would be, but we got the job done (or more like my dad did. I just stood there mostly holding the light for him =P)

Anyways, for today's picture of the day... 

Honda Integra/ Acura RSX/ DC5, whatever you want to call it. I started to have respect for this car after a friend of mine bought his a couple years back. I never understood the hype with the RSX, but now I admit, its a pretty nice car for its price and what you can do to it is pretty amazing with a bit of elbow grease.

As for today's song of the day: a song from my childhood
No need for an explanation =P

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