Saturday 5 November 2011

Out of ideas!!

I do not know what to write today! It was an ordinary day today. I went to volunteer and work, with nothing out of the ordinary occurring today! When I came home, I spent a couple hours scrolling through the internet and facebook (yes, facebook is a separate thing from the internet =P). Afterwards, I worked on my paper for my 405 class that is due tomorrow. Almost done it, but I'm so tired from working on it =P

Anyways, for today's picture:
These are the headphones I got from Best Buy for $15 dollars! They were on sale from... $40 to $25, and my brother had a $10 off coupon! =D For its price, its a really great set of headphones!

As for today's 30 day song challenge: a song that reminds me of a certain event

Well this song reminds me of changing seasons:

Namie Amuro - Four Seasons


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