Sunday 20 November 2011

Brother's Birthday!

Today marks my brother's 20th birthday! Otherwise, it was a typical Sunday.

After karate, I went home and worked on my presentations a bit and did some psyc readings for tomorrow. =( I have to catch up for the readings that I didn't do last week >.>

And sleep! I need to catch up on sleep. If I don't get my 7 hours of sleep a night, I get really cranky the next day (and tired!)

So off to sleep soon! Anyways, here is a picture of his cake!

As for the 30 day song challenge: a song i listen to when I'm sad...

well when i'm down, I would listen to ballads (like any of the songs i'm currently listening to... not sad though!) anyways, here's a typical ballad i would listen to

Koda Kumi - Moon Crying

I don't really like Koda's voice, but her ballad bgm is awesome! I don't think I heard a Koda ballada with a crappy background!