Tuesday 8 November 2011

What are the chances...

Today marks the first day I started volunteering for the Calgary Reads program. Fortunately for me, I was able to pick which elementary school I wanted to go to and that happened to be my elementary school that is about 2 minutes away from my house! When I entered the school, I found out that my principal from grade 4-6 was still there. I also found out that my grade 4-6 music teacher was also there! (I believe she's been there for the last 3 years of my primary education...). As I walked around the school, it seemed so foreign to me. All of the classrooms have been revamped with smart boards, new flooring, etc. It was nice to see though, that my class photos are still up on the wall (I guess my school isn't that old yet... like 30 years old or so?) Anyways, I had a hectic, but enjoyable time reading with my two buddies.

Going to my old elementary wasn't the end of my trip down memory lane! After I was finished with my seminar, I met my old Suzuki piano teacher in the hallways. We talked for a while, since its been about 14-15 years since I stopped taking piano under the Suzuki methodology.

Anyways, that marks my day! As for today's picture:
This is the spot where I usually hang out between classes. We call it the "picnic tables", since it kind of looks like picnic tables. I never get any work done here, but we have a BLAST of a time hanging out here. Some of the most hilarious stuff in my life occur at these tables!

As for today's song: a song that makes you fall asleep... Well this song comes to mind! It's not bad that it makes me fall asleep, rather that its peaceful, that it lulls me to sleep =P

Mika Nakashima's Nagareboshi (Shooting Stars... i believe)
I couldn't find a version with her singing in it, so here's a music box version of it!


  1. hahah that sounds like fun! Just wait till one day your students come back to the school you teach at and see you! then you'll know that you're old! :P

  2. ahha that has already happened with karate!!!
