Thursday 3 November 2011


So tired >.>

Had to be at Erin Woods earlier than usual since we had to attend a meeting. It was an interesting meeting though. I got the chance to see how teachers help each other with problems that they face in their classrooms. After the meeting, I got the chance to shadow a Grade 4/5 split teacher.

When I got home today, I helped my dad change the summer tires on our cars to winter tires. I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Casual Friday at Erin Woods, meaning that we can wear jeans to school! I'm actually looking forward to it. Dress pants are comfortable and all, but I kind of miss wearing my jeans. (Hard to imagine since I wore sweat pants everyday for the good part of my undergrad degree...)

Anyways, for today's picture and 30 day song challenge (a song that reminds you of somebody):

Credits to []
I was trying to copy his pose with my own SF, but my wings wouldn't stay up like his for more than 10 seconds. Also, I busted the handles on my guns, so they won't stand straight =(

As for today's song: a song that reminds me of someone

Rainie Yang's - 重新認識我 (anybody can translate this? it's something about finding your true self i guess?)

Well it doesn't remind me of a specific person, rather it reminds me of everyone. I don't know what the lyrics speak to, but looking at the MV, I get a sense of change. The reason why I think this is because you see an image of Rainie when she was young in the mirror, when the current Rainie is looking into the mirror. (Hope it didn't confuse you too much...) Anyways, I feel that it's saying that we all change, that nobody stays the same.

It'll be interesting to see how the lyrics relate to the MV =P

EDIT: So the english title is "Getting to know me". Well looks like my analysis was wrong, but it can still relate to everyone!

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