Saturday 19 November 2011

Nov 18th post

I was out till about 1:30 last night, so that's why I didn't post anything =(

Anyways, for "Bro Night", we went to go eat at Calgary court. 1/3 of the bros weren't present due to other activities or misunderstandings =P ahha

Here's a picture of our meal. We actually all got the same thing: Teriyaki Chicken. It was actually pretty good!
Calgary Court wasn't as busy as usual since it was so cold yesterday! =(

For today's 30 day song challenge: 20 - a song i listen to when i'm angry...

Hmm, I don't really listen to songs when I'm angry, but if I have to, I guess I would listen to this song

Ayumi Hamasaki - Voyage. I hope that this song would help me calm down =P

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