Sunday 13 November 2011


Ah school tomorrow, and I haven't finished the first part of my 404 paper yet =(. Oh well, I have tomorrow morning I guess =P

Anyways, I had karate this morning. We worked on kicks today, but I felt like I haven't done them before! I was strangely stiffer than usual during those kicks.

Afterwards, I went to a friend's house where there was a "make-up" party. Essentially, they were advertising their products. There was a men's line that caught my eye, but unfortunately I don't have the funds to purchase their products =(. Maybe it is time to start seriously looking into a job... (like that's really going to happen now =P)

Anyways, for today's picture of the day:

This is the current background picture I have on my phone at the moment. (As you can tell, I'm getting pretty desperate for photos...)

As for today's 30 day song challenge: Day 15 (halfway there!): a song that describes me

Well... I really don't know the lyrics to the songs that I listen to, so I guess I'll stick to a piano song

Final Fantasy XIII - March of the Dreadnoughts. (I really like that crystal piano!) How does this represent me? I do not know!

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