Saturday 26 November 2011

TED Talks and Readings...

Volunteering was quite interesting today. Near the end of my shift, I was playing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J.S. Bach), when I noticed that a caretaker was listening to me play. After I finished playing, he asked me to play the song once again, in which I complied. After playing the song a second time, he asked if he could play a duet with me with his violin. At this time, another gentleman was listening to me and ask if he could join us with his guitar. So in the end, we had a little band going along at the corner of the west entrance of PLC. It wasn't a very smooth performance, but nonetheless, it was quite good for our first time!

Work was the same old, so nothing too exciting happened. 

After work, I went home and finished reading chapter 10 of my Psyc textbook. Near the end, nothing was being absorbed, but I just wanted to say that I finished the chapter... so I trudged on. After doing my reading (for last week), I went ahead and watched the 4 TED talks for 401. I really enjoyed the classical music one, since I have some experience in Classical music myself!

Here is the classical music one! It's about 20 minutes long if you're interested in watching it! Zander has an interesting personality which made this talk engaging throughout the entire 20 minutes, for me anyways.

Anyways, no picture today! Too lazy =P

For the 30 day song challenge: a song that makes me feel guilty...

Sergei Prokofiev - Diabolical Suggestion 
This was my... List D (?) for my ARCT... I wish I spent more time on this piece. I could play at around 80% speed of what the guy was playing, but it was all notes (and wrong notes at points!). I want to take this piece up again... but I CAN'T FIND MY SHEET MUSIC FOR IT =(

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