Monday 14 November 2011


I think today marks the first day of a semi-snowstorm of the Fall/Winter (still early to be classified as winter) season. Here's a picture of it!
This was taken in the "mud room" (the little room between the two sets of doors... dunno the official name of it) in the admin building. I was to chicken to step outside and take a picture =P

I'm tired so I'll keep it super short today T.T

For today's 30 day song challenge: day 16 - a song that I used to love but now hate

Well this is an easy one...

BoA - Everlasting. I don't necessary hate this song, but I gotten bored listening to it. I guess I overkilled it, because back in the day (before it came out), I would listen to the preview for hours everyday for at least one week. Talk about an obsession...


  1. i actually really like that song! it was my first fav song from her! winter love is better though :p

  2. yes, i like winter love more than everlasting =P

    u should listen to Smile Again! All time favorite song of mine!
