Tuesday 15 November 2011

Japanese American Idol and WARMTH

After coming home from school today, I watched a singing contest show that is similar to American Idol (or I should say that American Idol is similar to this show since I swear that this show has been around for like 30 years now). I forgot what the show is called, but how it works is that somebody sings. Then the judges (I think they're hidden?) ring a set of bells to rate the performance. If it's a crappy performance, they ring two notes (or one sometimes i believe!) If its a good concert, they ring the bells for at least...11 times!

Today, there were some good singers and some bad ones. Apparently, they filmed this episode in Taiwan, for most of the singers there spoke Mandarin. There was this guy who had a frohawk/mullet, but he was a pretty good singer!

AH, here's the program: NHK Amateur Singing Contest

For today's picture
Yes! My heating vent that is near my study area! When I was young, I would curl up next to the vent (or even lie on top of it) to enjoy the warmth that comes from it. The sound of the air blowing up the vent was very soothing to me. Now a days, I would occasionally curl up, though more like place myself in a fetal position since i'm so big now, and lie there till the furnace stops working. I do this mostly when I'm bored from studying (which is quite often in the winter!)

Enough embarrassing things about me =P. For today's 30 day song challenge: a song that i often hear on the radio.

Well, I don't listen to the radio often, since I'm not really into western pop music... but I listened to it today and heard this song:

Drake - Headline

Besides seeing him in Degrassi, I don't know anything more about this guy...


  1. LOL "Now a days, I would occasionally curl up, though more like place myself in a fetal position since i'm so big now, and lie there till the furnace stops working. I do this mostly when I'm bored from studying (which is quite often in the winter!)"
