Wednesday 23 November 2011

Suicide Wings are sure hot!

Besides being another ordinary day, I went to Toad and Turtle for a bit of dinner after school. Toad and Turtle is pretty much a pub (I think, by the way it was set up). Wings were 30 cents on Wednesday, so we ended up ordering about 70 in total for the four of us. For my first order, I decided to order 10 Suicide wings... 

They. Were. So.... HOT. I haven't eaten such spicy foods in a long while. My stomach was flipping around the entire time and my tongue was on fire! At times, my whole body was shaking. As one of my friends nicely put it, "David, you just killed 4 people today."

Here's a crappy picture of those suicide wings...
When those wings arrived at our table, the smell of "hotness" just overwhelmed our nostrils...

Anyways for today's 30 day song challenge: day 25- a song that makes me laugh...

Songs dont make me laugh... but this one is an exception lol =P

Lol, the magic of autotune!

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