Tuesday 25 September 2018

Corner Runs

The one issue I have at times with Junior High periods are how short they are. When I was in Annie Gale, I believed periods were about 40 minutes in length. My school is slightly longer at 46 minutes a period. It normally takes me the entire 46 minutes for a lecture (and yes, it'll be ideal if I can cut it down and have time for kids to do work, but I like to go in depth with certain topics when I teach), but let's not get started with activities.

Working with microscopes always take more time than I expect it, no matter how much experience I accrue. I cut out my bell work this year for microscopes, and it did give us a couple more minutes of microscope time. Either way, the day went by so quickly since I was up on my feet for the entire day practically.

As for the evening, I had the opportunity to drive around for a while (before I swap back to winters). It was relatively warm, and my tires were pretty warm. As I was cruising down a two lane road (one lane per side) at speed limit, I notice a Mercedes tailgating me. Now, my car isn't at all fast, but it takes corners at a decent pace (and the tires help), along with the ability to exit corners well. A corner was coming up and the recommended entry was 20 kmh. I normally take this corner a bit higher than 20 kmh, but I today was higher than "average". With much confidence in my tires and car's capability to take corners, I left the Mercedes in the background. Perhaps not the smartest move, and stoking one's ego is never a good reason to go fast, and I doubt that the Mercedes understood my intentions, nor tailgate in the future, but it did feel pretty good. >=)

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