Sunday 2 September 2018

Miniso Saturday

Post-recovery from playing MHW for approximately five hours, I realized I forgot to write my blog post for the day, yesterday.

I was looking forward to Saturday since I would be able to sleep in, from what seemed like an eternity. I don't recall five days of waking up early to ever feel so long, but it's most likely due to me not waking up as early as I should have for the last week of break. Either way, I made it to Rockyridge in good time and got in a decent leg workout. 255 lbs for threes were difficult, and it a slightly depressive thought of how doing these for fives were a cinch a year ago crept into my mind while doing yesterday's sets. I just have to keep reminder myself that it'll come back in due time with patience and perseverance.

After working out, I headed to the Miniso in the NW to see if they had wall clocks for purchase. The one in my classroom broke, and it gave me a good excuse to check out the Calgary branch. The one in Cross Iron was nice, so I was hoping the same for the NW. I wasn't disappointed (though driving through the area was hectic with all the traffic), but no wall clocks! I did manage to find some hooks that I can use to hook my homework clipboard, so that was a positive.

And thank goodness for the long weekend! The last few days of break before work "truly" begins for another year.

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