Thursday 6 September 2018

Friendly Strangers

Day three and no one has gone crazy yet... That's always a positive sign in my books! It was my no prep day at work, but those days always go by quickly since there's no break.

I stopped by Costco after work since I ran out of protein powder. As I wanted to hit the gym as early as possible, I was rushing to pick up protein and lining up to pay. As I stood in line, a... middle-age couple was in front of me. The husband kept looking at his phone instead of putting stuff on the conveyor belt (granted that putting it on the conveyor belt at that point would not make the process go faster). I was getting impatient, and really wanted to say something. The wife came to talk to him in a language I wasn't familiar with, and then the husband turned to me and offered me to budge him since I only had the one item. I'm not sure if it was truly due to having one item, or that my impatience was showing on my face, but I was pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. I did turn them down, since they didn't have that many items themselves, but I guess I need to learn to hide my impatience more?

Other than that, leg day at the gym. My legs feel shot from Tuesday and it definitely showed today. I wasn't able to squat as much, but got some other exercises in to replace the amount of volume that I would normally do for squatting.

Almost Friday! Despite being a short week with Labour Day, it also felt relatively long (save for today).

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