Saturday 29 September 2018

Pinched Nerve and Brake Pads

It turned out that I have pretty crappy wrist mobility which has led to almost having carpal tunnel syndrome. My chiropractor showed me a few exercises to help improve my wrist mobility. I also had more IMS for my wrist, which gave me a somewhat convenient excuse to skip my workout today.

And thank goodness I skipped my workout, since we changed the tires on our cars. It took a decent amount of time, and when I thought we were nearly done, it turned out that my rear driver brake pad was a lot thinner than what I thought it would be. Fortunately, I purchased some pads last year, so I had that ready. Installation was somewhat straightforward, but tedious. The bracket on the caliper made it difficult to insert the pins near the end of the process. All in all, about 6 hours was spent changing tires and replacing my rear pads.

I didn't end up marking today, since I was "tired" and wanted to play MHW. I completed a mix set, which saw a noticeable increase in damage output. Granted, I need to do a controlled experiment in order to see if I'm actually doing more damage, but I like to believe I am!

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